USAC Stock Car race
Gardena Stadium, Gardena, CA
April 28, 1956
100 laps on 0.25 mile dirt oval; 25 miles
Notes: Points counted towards USAC Short Track Stock Car Championship and USAC Pacific Coast Stock Car Championship.
Originally, Davies was listed in 3rd and Parsons in 4th, but USAC's year-end statistics indicate that this order was reversed at some point.
10 lap heat results:
Heat 1: Snow, Wilson, Ruttman.
Heat 2: Cheesbourg, Reece, Cain.
Heat 3: Seeger, Teague, Lamport.
3 lap Trophy Dash: Gray, Seegar, Ruttman, Davies.
Time of race: 00:30:24
Average Speed: 49.327 MPH
Pole Speed: 17.46 seconds